Please note: we are currently experiencing heavy order volume. We will do our best to get your delivery to you on the dates listed below – we’ll be in touch to arrange a time with you.
We recommend getting your order in as early as possible to get your delivery booked.
Chicken - Whole and Pre-cut
We Deliver Weekly.
Wings, Thighs, Drums currently SOLD OUT. (June 2021 next crop)
Boneless Breast and Whole Chickens available.
Submit your orders by Wednesday to schedule delivery on Saturday.
You will be contacted prior to delivery to confirm payment and time.
Eggs and Seasonal Produce
We deliver weekly.
We only deliver for regular orders (weekly/biweekly) between April – October. Reach out to be added to the list.
Due to high demand we are usually sold out by the end of the week with our regular orders.
Feel free to call and check availability.
We will need to book an appointment to pickup at farmgate.